I see most affiliates starting their journeys in this industry making the same misjudgements I did and it frustrates me because I don’t want them to waste months of their precious time as I have done. So the purpose of this talk at a4uexpo London was not just to embarrass myself, but to enable people to learn from my mistakes and thereby save themselves many thousands of hours on their journey to affiliate marketing riches.

I am flattered hundreds of you chose to turn up for the presentation when there were what seemed to informative talks by others such as Google at the same time, and thank you for the many kind remarks afterwards. And my apologies for assaulting your ear-drums with the most appalling karaoke you’re ever likely to hear!

Here’s the slides for the talk I gave on the following day: The Affiliate Sales Kit – Writing Killer Proposals and Selling Yourself to Merchants.

Check out my colleague Karen’s write-up of the conference here. There are quite a few reviews of the event in the blogosphere, such as here at GeoffBlog.com.

You may leave feedback about any of the speaker sessions on the a4uexpo website here.