Photographs of Zanox UK's New Year gathering at London's Match Bar
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Zanox UK is finally waking up and beginning to flex its muscles. The sleeping giant has had a UK office for many years, but seemed to be the unloved child of the head honchos in Berlin, being starved of the resources and talent required to thrust it into the Premier League of affiliate marketing in Britain.

However, with the UK leading the world in percentage share of advertising spend going on the internet and leaving Old Europe’s laggard economies behind with its firebrand version of capitalism, every major continental European and American network is desperate to land their ship on Treasure Island.

Zanox has been at the forefront of that blitzkrieg, having recruited Rob Wilson, the former European Managing Director of 24/7 Real Media, to run the show from their headquarters which are a stone’s throw from London’s Piccadilly Circus. Several new staff were hired in Q4, 2007, and, to underline their renewed vigour, companies such as Tommy Hilfiger and Kodak have launched their UK affiliate programs exclusively on the network.

As have demonstrated, trendy parties can be an effective munitions to help an incumbent climb up the ladder, and Zanox fired the first salvo of 2008 in the battle for promotion to Tier One network status with their New Year get-together.

Held on the 17th of January at the Match Bar in the West End of London, it was a high-spirited affair, with the usual heady mix of drink, conversation and more drink. Attendees included representatives from internet businesses as diverse as MySpace, Steak Media and Affiliate Window.

Shouting to make herself heard above the noise, Maria Dowle, one of the new Account Managers at Zanox, said: “there’s a good range of affiliates, clients and Zanox staff. It’s an ideal opportunity for people to mingle and see each other in person.”

As with previous Zanox UK fests, it included a number of people from other European nations. Present was Johnny Myklebust, Sales Manager for affiliate company Xenture [bald gentleman in photographs]. He had come from Oslo just for the party and exclaimed: “we don’t have affiliate marketing gatherings like this in Norway and I have throughly enjoyed it!”

You can see pictures from the event by clicking the play button below (includes music).

You may join the Zanox UK affiliate network here. Programs to promote include Purple Parking, which is managed by Azam Marketing. It pays the highest commission of any airport parking affiliate program on any network, starting from 10% and rising to 15%, and converts at an impressive 8.64%.

Next Blog Post: tomorrow we have an enlightening interview with one of the sharpest observers of the online marketing scene in Europe, Tim Nilsson, Vice President of Publisher Management at Zanox Group.

Client News: we are delighted to announce the launch of a new website with information about eDealsUK’s white-label cashback site proposition.

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