With crumpled leaves falling off the trees and the days becoming nippier and shorter, it’s natural to reminisce about sunnier times. Looking back, for me the summer was a hazy mix of long stints on the computer, client meetings, pitches, staff training, paperwork, and expos, conferences and networking events – lots of them.

It’s the latter I enjoy the most and, in terms of internet events, I must have been fortunate enough to have attended at least 15 or 20 over the last few months.

To commemorate some truly sensational summer industry events, below is a short video we have put together of the Azam gang at various gatherings. It shows the team at Internet World, Social Media Marketing, both of which we exhibited at, and the a4u Awards where we were finalists for five categories.

Fortunately the exhibiting, networking and partying does not end with the summer, and this week the Azam Marketing team will be out in force at three events: Social Media Advertising, ad:tech London and Tradedoubler Summit. If you’d like to arrange to meet up with us at any of them, get in touch at admin [at] azam.net

Check out new pictures of the Azam Marketing team on Facebook.